Homeowner: Hey Ken, Summer is almost here and I heard it’s going be a hot one! I don’t want another summer of high electric bills! Any tips for a normal homeowner like me?
Ken: I feel you! There is nothing worse than being uncomfortable in your own home! Actually, there is one thing worse… having to pay huge electric bills every month and still being hot in your own home! Here are some really great tricks to making your bill go way DOWN and your comfort go way UP!!
As you might have noticed, the electric rate the utility company charges you are at an all-time high and although San Diego’s weather is considered ideal, many people still need to run their air conditioner a good deal of the time.
So the first thing to do is get you’re Annual Precision AC Tune-Up. The Tune Up pays for itself in efficiency and helps extend the life of your air conditioning unit; Guaranteed! It also keeps your family safe all year long because the technicians are trained to find gas leaks as well!
Set Your Thermostats To 78 Degrees! when possible. Adjusting the temperature above that can save you even more. (An estimated 6% for each degree higher set)
Install a Wi-Fi Programmable Thermostat! for even more efficiency. Adjustments to a home’s temperature can be controlled from anywhere. This type of control provides flexibility not available from standard programmable thermostats. Plus you can turn on your system before you leave the office, coming home to a nice cool home!
Change Air Filter! Before summer hits, homeowners should change the air filter on their air conditioning unit. This helps keep the A/C unit clean and running properly, helping lower operating and maintenance costs; extending the life of your system!
Don’t Neglect The Outside Unit! The outdoor unit, known as the condenser, removes warm air from inside and transfers it to the outdoors. The condenser needs to be free of dirt, weeds and leaves that accumulate and clog airflow. Check the outdoor unit throughout the season to ensure maximum efficiency. Try and keep a minimum of two feet clear on all sides of the condenser and approximately five feet above it.
Fans move air through the house making you feel cooler because of increased air flow. If a home doesn’t have ceiling fans, regular box or table fans can be used effectively.